Home FAQ's How can I book my holiday online?

How can I book my holiday online?

by Royal Holiday

Royal Holiday’s website is loaded with options for planning your next vacation. From ideas on where and when to go, to ways to maximize your Holiday Credits. There are even regular vacancy updates, special discounts and specials that only ever appear online. How can I book my holiday on royal-holiday.com? To register your online account, just visit us at www.royal-holiday.com, and click the log-in button from any page and then click on the Activate button. log-in 1. To register on the site, the system simply needs a) Your contract number b) Your member (lead) number c) And the email address that was recorded at the time you signed up. formulario ActivateThen just enter a secure password that you won’t forget. The system also asks for the security code at the bottom of the page to avoid spam. Terms and conditions here are only for the use of the website (not for the club). Once you’ve read them and agree to them, just click the “Register” button and send your registration. 2.  The system will then send a confirmation email. If you don’t get it within a few minutes, check your email spam folder. You’ll need to open that email and click the link to confirm you have access to the email address registered. 3) You’ll then be able to log-in with the email address and the password you just registered. You can check your account, manage it, and book this year’s vacation. One last thing: Registering on the website is NOT sufficient to “Activate” your membership. For your membership to be considered an “Active Membership,” you need to book your first vacation. Now what could be more fun? Remember, if you get stuck anywhere along the way, just click “Chat” at the top of any page and Membership Services will be happy to help you.